homeless lgbtq youth statsAccording to a study done by the University of Chicago in 2017, LGBTQ youth are 120% more likely to experience homelessness than the rest of the youth population. When young people who identify as LGBTQ become homeless, most have to seek shelter and services from mainstream or non-LGBTQ-specific agencies that are not always equipped to meet their unique needs. As the only agency focused solely on LGBTQ+ youth, it is essential that The Q Center at ACR Health helps secure safe and affirming housing options for these and other youth experiencing homelessness.

Our program serves LGBTQ+ youth ages 18-24 and provides:

  • Assistance finding and securing safe and affordable one-bedroom apartments
  • Security deposits
  • Move-in assistance
  • Rental assistance for up to 24 months
  • Supportive Case Management services for up to 30 months
  • Assistance accessing benefits, including health insurance and public assistance
  • Assistance finding employment

Youth in housing through our program can access:

  • Thrifty Shopper vouchers to obtain items such as clothing, shoes, and small appliances.
  • Emergency Assistance, including emergency financial assistance to purchase food, clothing, and furnishings (i.e., beds, bedding, lights, cleaning supplies) to tide them over until they begin receiving other benefits.
  • ACR Health’s Employment Specialist who can assist with job searches, resume writing, and interview skills.
  • Transfers due to domestic violence.
  • Independent Living Skills Workshops.
  • Q Center programs and activities like social support groups for LGBTQ young adults, field trips, and social events.

Our Rapid Rehousing program is voluntary and respects youths’ right to self-determination. There are no preconditions like employment, income, absence of a criminal record, or sobriety required to participate in the program.

Youth meeting eligibility requirements, as defined by HUD, receive services regardless of race, creed, color, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, or handicapped status. All resources and services are tailored to the unique needs of LGBTQ youth.

For more information:



For providers or individuals, please fill out and return this form for referrals.

The LGBTQ Youth Housing program is funded in part by the United Way of Central New York and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
