group of teenagers
ACR Health provides comprehensive and LGBTQ-inclusive sexual health education in schools and community organizations for young people ages 10-21 and their parents.

Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program

ACR Health implements a comprehensive and evidence-based pregnancy prevention program to equip youth with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Our program serves adolescents between the ages of 10 – 21.

Be Proud! Be Responsible!

ACR Health offers Be Proud Be Responsible, an evidence-based curriculum endorsed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This curriculum has been evaluated and proven to decrease rates of STIs, HIV, and rates of unplanned pregnancies. It provides youth with the tools and resources they need to make healthy and informed decisions. Youth also learn negotiation skills and facts about contraceptives and condom use, which are essential for their sexual health and wellbeing.

We provide FREE information for adolescents between the ages of 10-21. We can also provide you with FREE mail-order Safer Sex Kits. All orders are free, private, and will come to your home in discreet packaging in the mail. Contact us to get yours! Text or call 315-702-4772 or

Independent Living Skills

These workshops equip youth with the tools to become successful adults. Workshop topics include budgeting, nutrition, job-seeking skills, personal safety, and how to access resources. Contact us for information! Text or call 315-702-4772 or

Peer Education

Peer Educators meet monthly to assist in developing monthly programming, co-facilitate HIV/STI Overviews, accompany staff at tabling events, and help with planning special events. Contact us for information! Text or call 315-702-4772 or

Parent Presentations

These presentations equip parents/caregivers to be the primary sex educators for the young people in their life. Participants learn how to communicate with their youth about sexual and reproductive health, including puberty, sex and healthy relationships, and about local resources that help support the overall health and wellbeing of the young people in their life. Contact us for information! Text or call 315-702-4772 or

HIV and STI Overviews

These presentations targeting youth provide essential information about HIV and other STIs, including best practices for preventing infection. Participants learn how to recognize and prevent HIV and STIs, as well as local resources for HIV/STI testing and treatment. Contact us for information! Text or call 315-702-4772 or

Connect With Us Today

To get involved with any of these programs or learn more, text or call 315-702-4772 or

You can find us on Instagram and Facebook at “ACRHealthPregnancyPrevention”

For more information Text or Call:


Adolescent Sexual Health programming is funded in part by the United Way of Central New York and the NYS Department of Health.
