Mission Moments

Compiled from staff contributions

Edited by Cheyenne Rainford

When a client and their young child were wrongfully evicted from their home in May, Intervention Specialist Nicole Hoston took action. She helped load the client’s possessions into her vehicle, lent them storage space in her own basement, transported them to resources for wrongful eviction proceedings, and ensured they had safe harbor for the night. 
Nurse (RN) Manager, Caren Germinio praised the entire ACR Health staff for their compassion, kindness, commitment, and client care. “I have never worked in a place where I observe every single person caring so much about and for the community they serve,” said Geminio. “Our clients are vulnerable in so many ways … and I observe everyone doing the best they can … to assist those clients to live safer, happier, and healthier lives … I thank [every] person for what they do, the seen and unseen.”
Northern NY Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Coordinator, Amanda Serrano shouted out the SEP and Expanded SEP (SEPX) teams for their collaboration in June for ACR Health’s first-ever Day of Hope event in Watertown, NY. “I am truly forever grateful for my amazing team … to be part of something so beautiful in the community [where] I grew up,” said Serrano. “It meant more to me than I can convey [in] words.”
Insurance Navigator, Christopher Sanefski received high praise from an anonymous client. “Thank you so much for your help,” they said. “You don’t know this, but you are among the people who restore my faith in humanity. I was a mess when I needed your help, and you were patient, gentle, and kind. Thank you for that. It really does make a difference in this screwed up world we live in.”
Health Homes Program Manager, Shannon Booth applauded Mohawk Valley Health Home Care Manager, Ebony Pringle for her help with a new employee in the ACR Health Utica office. “She is a rock star,” said Booth. “I appreciate her dedication and hard work 100% of the time.”
Harm Reduction Manager, Carolina Diaz, reports that an ACR Health staff member received a fully funded opportunity to participate in the New Orleans Drug Checking Technicians Convening, where front-line staff engaged in conversations about the establishment of a drug checking ethics framework. “Being in a room full of individuals who share the same harm reduction ethos and are working as hard as you are to provide people with life-saving services made me really proud to do the work that I do,” said Diaz. 
Central New York (CNY) Q Center Coordinator, Charlye Rosamilia applauded Expanded Syringe Exchange Program (SEPEX) Outreach Coordinator, Steven Spendle for his expertly administered Narcan training. Rosamilia described an experience wherein they encountered an individual on South Geddes Street in Syracuse, NY who had overdosed. Because of Spendle’s guidance, they remained calm, applied sternum rubs, administered two doses of Narcan, gave chest compressions, and communicated effectively with the 911 operator. “I was able to bring the man back and watch him walk away,” said Rosamilia. “… thank you [Spendle] for allowing me the opportunity to save a life.” 
Comprehensive Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program (CAPP) Health Educator Supervisor, Michelle Abreu praised her staff for a successful Carnival for Sex Ed event in June. “The family friendly event was successful despite the rain!” said Abreu. “I would not have been possible without [CAPP Health Educators]; Mary [Cupelo], Victor [Jaskula] Loreal [Thomas], Diane [Meszko], Zoe [Fish], and some amazing volunteers!” 
Health Homes Plus Care Manager, Ethan Lewis expressed their appreciation for the ACR Health Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) Housing department, with special recognition for Housing Retention Specialist, Zachary King. “Zach exemplifies what it means to meet our clients where they are at!” said Lewis.