man looking at forms with case worker ACR Health has Navigators in nine counties to assist consumers in enrolling in health insurance. Call 315-475-2430 to make an appointment.

ACR Health Navigators are available to help individuals and families select a health plan, including Qualified Health Plans, the Essential Plan, Medicaid, and Child Health plus through the NY State of Health Official Health Plan Marketplace. This service is free, local, and confidential.

Open Enrollment for Qualified Health Plans begins on November 1 and ends January 31 every year. You can enroll in insurance any time of the year if:

  • You lose your health insurance
  • Lose or change your job
  • Change in income
  • Change in the number of dependents in your family through birth, death, or adoption
  • Divorce, legal separation, or annulment
  • Death of the primary insurance holder in the family
  • Pregnancy

Medicaid, Child Health Plus and the Essential Plan are available all year for enrollments.
