There are a number of ways you can help ACR Health and its clients by donating goods and services.

Our clients often lack basic supplies they and their families need for daily living: clothing, shoes, school supplies – the list is comprehensive.  Just observe the materials you use in a day, and ACR Health clients have the same basic needs.

Suggested Goods Donations

  • Food – including nourishment for infants and children
  • Personal care items such as shampoo, deodorant, razors, bath supplies
  • Personal hygiene items for women
  • Disposable baby diapers
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste for children and adults
  • Household cleaning supplies

Our storage space is limited.  Some client needs are very specific.  Please contact ACR Health at (315) 475-2430 if you would like to contribute.

Many corporations and individuals support our events by supplying refreshments, venues, and event supplies.

To learn more about sponsorships click here.

ACR Health’s consumers often lack the resources to see to important needs in their lives.  We always need volunteer services from lawyers, nutritionists, mental health professionals, practitioners of alternative therapies, and those skilled with computers.  If you have a talent that would help improve the quality of living for people with HIV/AIDS, please consider the donation of your professional services.  Call (315) 475-2430.
