ACR Health Nominated CNY Tuesday – Your Vote Counts

ACR Health has been nominated by members of the community for Giving Tuesday, a nationally recognized day of giving.  Why have we been chosen?  Here is one example of the great work we do.  “In Oneida County, ACR Health, through the needle exchange program, has brought down the transference of HIV through sharing syringes amongst PWUD from 85% to 0.02%. ACR Health is unique in that we bring a harm reduction approach to helping our targeted population. We help people with homelessness, inpatient/outpatient/detox linkages, food, clothes vouchers, health insurance navigation, employment services, HIV/HCV/STD testing, MAT programs for Suboxone, Telehealth medicine visits for same-day buprenorphine inductions, and so much more!”

Please support us and vote everyday from Sunday, August 21st at noon – through Thursday, August 25th at noon by visiting this page.  ACR Health – Vote-Page-Live – CNY Tuesdays  This gift will stay within CNY and allow us to continue to do great work in the communities we serve.  Thank you.

